Content tagged with“Hugo Course”

Building interest

Daily, Hugo course

I‘ve been thinking about new ways to build interest in Practical Hugo and generally provide some value whilst I’m working on lesson material.

0.029g per visit

Daily, Hugo course

Calculating the carbon footprint of a webpage, working on Figma designs in public, adding skip-links and using familiar link :hover styles.


Daily, Hugo course

Woke up this morning to a power cut on our street and no running water. What else am I’m currently taking for granted, that I would miss if it were gone?

Another thing

Daily, Hugo course

Feel like I should have got way more done with today, but my heads thumping, so it’s been hard to focus.

Tiny ideas

Daily, Hugo course

I’ve been keeping a list of all sorts of tiny ideas, to implement when I need a change of scene.

Early access

Daily, Hugo course

From now until launch, anyone who signs up for Practical Hugo will get free access to course material in return for completing a short survey about their experience with Hugo.

Bank holiday

Daily, Hugo course

It’s a bank holiday here today in the UK, so it was nice and quiet – a good chance to focus on developing this course outline.

Resilient research

Daily, Hugo course

Now in the research phase, where I try and figure out how best to structure this course. I don’t have the answer yet, maybe the name holds a clue?

Micro Steps

Daily, Hugo course

I ditched Mailchimp in favour of Buttondown for the email list – hopefully this doesn’t turn out to be a bad decision

Get something live

Daily, Hugo course

Trying not to loose focus in the run up to Christmas, so today I set myself a simple goal – get something live on by the end of the day.

Practical Hugo

Daily, Hugo course

Clarifying things, picking a domain name and moving the course I’m working on to it’s own home on the web.

Course utility

Daily, Hugo course

I spent the morning thinking about how best to structure this course. To get the ball rolling a had a poke around in some of the courses I’ve taken recently.

Related updates

Daily, Hugo course

Course related updates now automatically display on my Hugo course page. It took some thought but the solution was pretty simple in the end.

Flexible data capture

Daily, Hugo course

My course needed a dedicated signup form, so I improved the one in the footer of my site so it can be changed on a page-by-page basis. Here’s how I did it.

Doing the work

Daily, Hugo course

Things are starting to take shape and my Hugo course is no longer just an idea. Here’s where I’m at and where I’m heading next.

Learning exhaust

Daily, Hugo course

I’m commiting to writing a course on Hugo by sharing the process in public. The plan is to create daily ‘learning exhaust’ in the form of updates like this.

Monthly Newsletter

Once a month I curate a newletter for designers and developers interested in static sites, privacy and web performance. Check out past issues to get an idea.
